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Cpl’s Jobseekers Roadshow an outstanding success!

In the past week, Cpl has hosted a series of events across the country, aimed at equipping jobseekers with the tools required to secure employment in today’s uncertain market.

The “Jobseekers Roadshow” is an annual event now in its’ second year; an idea born by an internal competition similar to the now infamous show “Dragons Den”.  This competition was created to encourage all Cpl employees to have a voice, to share their ideas and, if successful, receive the full support of the Cpl management team and external parties to assist in the planning, development and implementation stages.  I believe Richard Branson routinely holds such in-house competitions, valuing ideas from all personnel, regardless of how long they are with the company, or indeed, their rank.

Total attendee figures neared 3000 across all our events in Dublin, Cork, Belfast, Galway, Waterford, Limerick, Kilkenny, Sligo and Offaly last week.  These sessions covered the following areas; how to build a great CV, interview tips, where to look for a job, how to work with a recruitment partner such as an agency, market updates and motivational talks.  A recent Cpl analysis of 1000 CVs revealed that 89% had formatting, grammar or spelling mistakes, a statistic that baffled our audiences in various conference halls across the country during the Roadshow.

Having attended our Galway event, and speaking with delegates afterwards, I believe these free advice sessions proved useful and breathed positivity into the job seeking population.  While the current climate is challenging, there are some very positive signs of recovery, such as growth in the Science, IT and Engineering sectors.

In Ireland today, some 400, 000 people are looking for work.  A positive mental attitude is paramount to securing a new job, so I will leave you to consider the quote below:

“Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – Francis of Assisi


Catriona Kelly, Healthcare Recruitment Consultant, Cpl Healthcare

Ph: +353 91 507510 E: catriona.kelly@cplhealthcare.com 


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