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Sunshine and fresh air can breed positivity

This week has seen record high temperatures in Ireland for this time of year. The time has changed, the evenings are longer and summer is most definitely in the air. Everyone seems in better spirits, happier, more refreshed and positive.

With the week I’ve had I definitely needed some positivity around me and for some reason the weather has given it to me. Like many recruiters you will have your good months and your bad, and this month is shaping up to be one of the bad ones for me unfortunately. I have had an unprecedented run of bad luck with interviews being cancelled, offers not being accepted and a general lack of interest in my jobs. But has this held me back?…….No!

Although there have been feelings of failure, dread and disappointment, one look outside and immediately my spirits were lifted by the blue cloudless skies and streaming sunshine. An hour in the fresh air and sunshine at lunch time truly is a cure for any negativity that can take hold of you in times like this. It gives you time to think, unclutter your head and get your thoughts and plan of action in order. Instead of coming back to my desk with dread I’m coming back with a new plan of action for my afternoon and days ahead. I’ve realised that taking a step back from your problems and analysing the situation is the most proactive thing you can do, so get out of the office for half an hour, get some fresh air and take the time to think. When you return your head will be clearer and you should then try a new tact with the rest of your days activities. If your sourcing has gone horribly wrong that morning, then don’t return to it. Come back and tackle something else like business development or advertising giving you something fresh to focus on. I found this really worked for me. Although I’ve had some bad luck this week in one way, I didn’t let the negativity hold me back and it led to me having some successes with new tasks I set myself.Hopefully this sunshine will bring more successes over the coming days. So don’t get held back by bad luck, keep going and it will eventually turn just like the weather probably will very soon L Annmarie Kelly BBS (Hons), NRF cert RP| Nursing Recruitment Consultant| Cpl Healthcare Nursing | Social Care | Pharmacy | Allied Health | Medical Salesannmarie.kelly@cplhealthcare.com| +353 91 507505 Phone | +353 91 778588 Fax | 08442840891 UK Number | 0860460562 Mobile | www.cplhealthcare.com For a list of all my current vacancies, please click here  Follow me: Facebook: Annmarie Kelly Recruits and LinkedIn Profile: Click Here   

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